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1:1 Current Balun 100W

£26.00 inc. tax
Product Code: ewdaKnk Units in Stock: 1

1:1 Current Balun 100W
1:1 Balun Current Balun was designed to allow easy interface of ladder line antennas to coax feeder, The Balun operates "stand alone", For resonant antennas thus does not require a Tuner. It may be used with any of your antenna projects.

Prevent Common Mode Current on your feedline You could also put it at the base of a resonant vertical - to act as a choke/isolator. An effective Balun should be resistive across the frequency range being used - and our choice of an FT140-43 is suited from 5MHz up to 30MHz.

8 turns of RG316 on an FT140-43 core
Resistive 5-30MHz
Configuration: 1:1 Current Balun
Frequency Coverage: 1.8 to 30 MHz
Power Range: to 100 watts
Core rated at 175w CW/Digi Modes (When at a 1:1 match!)
SO239 connector
Easy to weatherproof for permanent outside installation
Enclosure size L100mm W60mm D25mm
weight 150g

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